Army Reserves
As a professional married with a family, serving in the army reserve service once a year is a unique Israeli experience. I serve with a group of men of different ages, defined by the army as an organic tank unit.
Tear by force from our daily routine, our place in society, and our families. We put on a uniform, live together in the same conditions, eat the same food and work together at the same activity. In our hearts, we share the same naïve hope that the next generation will not go through the same training each of us needs to burden and simply live their daily lives without fear.
The photographs show men from a combat unit of which I am a part. At my side are veterans, and now they volunteer, assisting young soldiers for whom this is their first reserve service. It's a mixture of ethnic groups, social classes, thoughts, and beliefs blending into one structure holding unique dynamics which enables it to function.
War Games
The photographs show the duality of our lives in which we must take part in this kind of activity.
Tear by force from our daily routine, our place in society, and our families. We put on a uniform, live together in the same conditions, eat the same food and work together at the same activity. In our hearts, we share the same naïve hope that the next generation will not go through the same training each of us needs to burden and simply live their daily lives without fear.
The photographs show men from a combat unit of which I am a part. At my side are veterans, and now they volunteer, assisting young soldiers for whom this is their first reserve service. It's a mixture of ethnic groups, social classes, thoughts, and beliefs blending into one structure holding unique dynamics which enables it to function.
War Games
The photographs show the duality of our lives in which we must take part in this kind of activity.
All images copyright Yigal Feliks. All rights reserved.