Gradient (2007-2010)The coastal road, from Haifa to Tel-Aviv is about an hour drive. The music which I listen to while traveling this stretch is that of the landscape. It is the rhythms and tonalities of the land, the rock, the erosion and history, the encroachment of construction and mega-buildings, hi-tech factories and residential towers. The beauty of nature is slowly being deleted. Each strip has its own tempo, texture and speed. Landscape defines itself with many subtleties of color and harmony. I contemplate the total perspective, recording the transformations, the dissonance and the uniqueness of each instrument and melody. The needs of humans and society inadvertently express themselves as interludes, clearly and unashamed, as they assume ownership and control of the surroundings.
I have experienced this continuing metamorphosis many times. I learn to accept its rhythms and uniqueness as they are. I record what I can see. A relationship between us continuously evolves and is expressed through gray transitions and colored highlights. Technical information: I saturate and desaturate colors in order to receive color palettes that reflect the experience I had when I engaged the landscapes. When color is desaturated, B&W values enter the photograph which has the ability to qualify light. It gives the ability to depict the glaring light which is typical to this country. The colors which are left in the photographs define the dryness, heat and vegetation. Back to: Gradient
All images copyright Yigal Feliks. All rights reserved.